Background Check
In the present scenario verifying the backgrounds of an individual and company plays a crucial role in employment, marriage, business partner, and domestic help like a driver, maid, etc.
The background check has multiple angles. It ranges from employment screening. We provide exact information about the candidate’s previous job details, ending salary, the reason for leaving the job, and eligibility to rehire
We at Scorpion arrange Physical verification by visiting the locations of the person. We track the activities and provide pictures and videos supporting the existence of the suspect. Criminal background check is also conducted with full proof of evidence.
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Quick Response
We understand the importance of immediate action, and our team is ready to spring into action promptly. Count on us for a rapid and effective response to your investigative needs.
Scorpion Detective takes pride in being accredited. Our commitment to upholding industry standards and ethical practices is reflected in our accreditation.
Trained Workers
We understand that each case is unique. Our detectives tailor their strategies to fit your specific needs to bring clarity, ensuring a customized and effective investigation.
Time Availability
Time is of the essence. At Scorpion Detective, we work diligently to provide you with swift and reliable results, keeping you informed at every step of the process.